Sustainability Committee

Regular Meeting Schedule 4th Monday of the month @ 6:00 pm.

Please check the website calendar to confirm the meeting will be held.

Agendas, Packets & Minutes

Sustainability Plan

What is Sustainability?

Sustainability is defined commonly as, "meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs." (Brundtland Report, 1987)
Sustainability includes a healthy environment, a just economy, and equity & social well-being. (image from Sustain Dane)


City Staff:  Mayor Tim Swadley

Members:  1 year term

Adrienne Nienow - Chair

Ben Heili (District 4) - Vice Chair
(920) 860-9039

Jean Ligocki (District 2)

Brett Schumacher (District 1)

Donelle Scaffidi

Scott Taylor

Marcus Cederstrom

Katelyn Geleynse

Sienna Scott

Heath Massey

Rachel Venegas


Committee Vision & Mission

A sustainable community requires a new ethic of living on our planet, considering the long term impact of actions and policies on our community’s environmental, social, and economic health. The Stoughton Sustainability Committee will:

  • Develop a Sustainability Plan to guide the policies and efforts of city departments, committees, and commissions

  • Collaborate with city staff, to generate an annual report that measures progress against benchmarks established in the Sustainability Plan

  • Identify and collaborate with local and regional partners to promote sustainability efforts, including community outreach

Presentation Videos

City of Middleton Sustainability Coordinator

Planning Department Presentation

Stoughton Utilities Presentation