Finance & Accounting
The Finance Department is responsible for the financial and accounting aspects of the City of Stoughton and Stoughton Utilities.
We are responsible for tax collections, providing treasury management services, handling investments, internal audition, preparing and executing the City of Stoughton annual budget.
Phone: (608) 873-6677
NicoleMarie Hall
Assistant Director
Lisa Aide
Debbie Blaney
Accounting Specialist
How to pay my property taxes:
1. Mail - use the pre-addressed envelope provided to you with your tax bill. Checks only, no cash payments accepted.
2. Online - Online payments are through a third party vendor and a convenience fee will be charged. You will be informed of the amount prior to authorizing the charge. To pay online click here.
3. Dropbox - There is a drop box located in the 3rd drive-thru lane behind City Hall (McFarland State Bank). The drop box is open 24/7 and will be emptied daily. There is also video surveillance and a light directly above it for security purposes.
4. In person - City Hall will be open for payments from 8:00 am - 4:00 pm Monday - Friday.
We can be reached at (608) 873-6677 for any questions.
Lottery Credits
To qualify for a lottery credit you must own your home and use it as your primary residence as of January 1, 2024. If your home was newly built and completed after January 1, 2024, your tax bill does not qualify for a credit in 2024. If the lottery credit is not on your tax bill, please request a "Lottery Credit Claim Form" before you pay your taxes and your bill will be reduced if you qualify. For questions or to sign up for the credit please contact the Treasurer's office at (608) 873-6677.
Due Dates
You have the option of paying your Real Estate Tax bill in full or in two installments. The first installment is due by January 31st and is payable to the City of Stoughton. Your second installment is due by July 31st. This installment is payable to the Dane County Treasurer. Mail your payment to Dane County Treasurer's Office, PO Box 1299, Madison, WI 53701-1299. If you want a receipt, send a self addressed envelope. Payments postmarked on or before December 31st, will be credited as a December payment (even though we may receive them in January.)
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
Can I pay my dog license and tax bill with one check?
No. The payments can be mailed together, but a separate check is required for each.
How do I change the mailing address on my tax bill?
There is a box to check on the remittance section of your tax bill. Check the box and then write on the tax bill what you are requesting the billing address be.
Can I remove or add a property owner to my tax bill?
To change owner information on a property tax bill, please contact the Dane County Register of Deeds directly at 608-266-4141.
My escrow check is for more than my property taxes, what do I do now?
If the check is written to both the property owner and the City, the check needs to be mailed to the City with your remittance slip. The property owner should endorse the back of the check before mailing. After the check has cleared, and if there is an overpayment, a refund will be issued to the property owner. If the refund is under $5.00 a check will not be issued unless requested.
How do I obtain a receipt?
1. You can submit a self-addressed stamped envelope with your payment.
2. On your remittance slip you can provide an email address and one will be sent.
3. All payments made by December 31st, receipts will be available on Access Dane by January 31st. All payments made by January 31st, receipts will be available on Access Dane after February 28th.
4. Call the Treasurer's office at (608) 873-6677, and request one be emailed.
Personal Property Taxes
All businesses in the City of Stoughton are assessed a personal property tax. The term "personal property" is described as all goods, wares, merchandise, chattels, and effects, of any nature or description, having any real or marketable value, and not included in the term "real estate property".
Distribution: Personal Property bills are mailed out at the same time that Real Estate bills are mailed.
Due dates: A full payment is due by January 31st. Payments can be made using any of the 4 methods listed above.
Postmarks: Payments postmarked on or before December 31st, will be credited as a December payment (even though we may receive them in January.)
Delinquent Taxes: Any personal property tax bill unpaid as of Feb. 1st, will be considered delinquent and be assessed interest and penalty.
Stoughton Public Transit - Stoughton, WI 53589
(608) 873-7233 (Questions or to schedule a pickup)
Service Level: Curb-to-curb
Area Served: Stoughton City limits 3-miles maximum outside of city limits (additional $1.00 cash/mile)
Hours of Service:
Monday - Thursday 6:00 am - 6:00 pm
Friday & Saturday 6:00 am - 7:00 pm
Sunday 8:00 am to 2:00 pm
Closed: New Years, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas
All fares are one way. Senior rate includes people 60+ years or legally disabled.
Regular Rate: $5.00
Senior Rate: $4.00
Extra Fees: $1.00 quick stop en-route to destination. $1.00 / mile outside City limits.
The City of Stoughton is committed to the guarantee that no person is excluded from participation in, or denied benefits of its transit services on the basis of race, color or national origin, as protected by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act.
Questions/Concerns or to file a complaint form please e-mail:
or write: City of Stoughton, Attn: Finance Director, 207 S. Forrest St., Stoughton, WI 53589