Register to Speak at City Council

Register to speak for the Upcoming City Council Meeting


The Council cannot take action on an item that is not included on the agenda. Please complete your name, address, phone number, and email address. The appropriate City Staff person will contact you for further information.

A citizen may appear before the council provided the citizen registers with the clerk/Mayor before the meeting is called to order, and indicates his or her interest to address the council; and provided the agenda provides for a public comment period. Public Comment period is an opportunity for citizens to share their view with the Council, including on matters not on the agenda, and should not be conducted as a two way conversation. The
Council may not take action on any matter that is not on the agenda.

With the exception of informational and public hearings, speakers shall be limited to a maximum of three (3) minutes. A timer will be maintained and the speaker informed when 30 seconds remain. If the presiding officer decides the comments are not relevant or are abusive, the presiding
officer may:

  • Order the citizen to modify his or her comments

  • Order the citizen to refrain from speaking

  • Order the citizen to leave council chambers

  • Take such other steps as may be necessary to insure the efficient conduct of the
    council's business

The registration form is available on line or at Council Chambers 30 minutes prior to the start of the
council meeting. Each form will be dated, numbered, and distributed on a
"first-come, first-served" basis. A completed registration form is required to speak by each individual
completing his or her own form and is limited to addressing one subject per meeting only. Speakers
will utilize the microphone at the podium and will begin by stating their name and address prior to
addressing the council. The maximum time allotted for public comment is 30 minutes. The council
reserves the right to restrict or increase time limits.